続々・MozFx を追う
_ [comp] 続々・MozFx を追う
- 折り返し関連 (Bugzilla ORG 206152 - [meta] line breaking bugs)
- Bugzilla ORG 95067 - line-break should be allowed after hyphens (unless followed by number)
- Bugzilla JP 1476 - 例えばURLなどの大変長い英単語が、ブロック要素内で折り返さない。
- Bugzilla ORG 255990 - Characters below U+0100 are not subject to line-breaking rules at all (patch v3 (alt))
- -remote openURL などが効かない関連 (代わりに -new-tab を使う)
- Bugzilla ORG 298960 - -remote can no longer handle commas or quotes
- Bugzilla ORG 302627 - Calling with -remote openURL always produces error 500
- Bugzilla ORG 303921 - remote -openfile fails
- Bugzilla ORG 304477 - Release notes should mention that -remote is broken/deprecated
- acroread プラグインが動かない
- Bugzilla ORG 246560 - [gtk2] Adobe Acroread, xpdf and other full-page plugins(mozplugger + openoffice, etc) are not working (fix)
Bugzilla ORG 292213 - [gtk2]Acrobat reader 7 fails to load in web browserDUPLICATE (2005-06-07 19:16 PDT)- Bugzilla ORG 302645 - Adobe Reader 7 plugin no longer working in Deerpark Alpha 2 on Linux
- Bugzilla ORG 304007 - acroread plugin will not work in Deer Park Alpha 2, but is still listed in about:plugins