_ [debian] xorg 1:7.0.11

  • Have x11-common conflict with packages installing binaries to /usr/X11R6/bin. We need to remove them in order to install a proper symlink at this location to /usr/bin. Packages will still be able to install to /usr/X11R6/bin, but they need to be removed from the system first so that we can set up the symlink and not drop them out of the path. Thanks Steve Langasek. (closes: #362524, #362200)
ref. /usr/share/doc/x11-common/changelog.gz

ということで手元では kterm と mgp が削除され、/usr/X11R6/bin は消滅した。 また、フォントファイルが /usr/share/fonts/X11 以下に移動したので xorg.conf を書き換え。

_ [debian] libcairo 1.0.4-1+b1vd1

debian/patches/02-no-ft-glyphslot-embolden.patch を外して作成。