_ [debian] “Kernel-version: all” is not allowed

dh-kpatches のドキュメントには



As a special case, the value "all" is allowed, for patches that don't depend on a specific version (eg. if they just add a set of files).
ref. /usr/share/doc/dh-kpatches/dh-kpatches.html

とあって changelog でも

dh-kpatches (0.99.4) unstable; urgency=low

  • Added support for “Kernel-version: all” in kpatches files patch by Olaf Meeuwissen, Closes: #132709).
  • Fixed check for patch dependencies containing hyphens (Closes: #132710).
  • Otherwise fixed support for hyphens in patch IDs, accidently broken in 0.99.2.

– Yann Dirson <dirson ● debian.org> Fri, 8 Feb 2002 06:38:49 +0100

ref. /usr/share/doc/dh-kpatches/changelog.gz

#132709 とあるけど、実際に Kernel-version: all としてやると

Malformed kernel version: `all' at /usr/bin/dh_installkpatches line 306.
make: *** [binary-indep] Error 1

となってしまう。以前パッチ を作ったけど、そのままだったので BTS に登録した。> #402888 2006/12/14: 寝惚けてたのか全然違う changelog.gz と bug ID を指してたので修正。