nvidia-graphics-drivers 1.0.9746-1 負け
_ [debian] nvidia-graphics-drivers 1.0.9746-1 負け
experimental に入ってきたのでいつものように入れたら、
NVRM: The NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 GPU installed in this system is
NVRM: supported through the NVIDIA 1.0-96xx Legacy drivers. Please
NVRM: visit http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html for more
NVRM: information. The 1.0-9746 NVIDIA driver will ignore
NVRM: this GPU. Continuing probe...
NVRM: No NVIDIA graphics adapter found!
入らなかった。GeForce2 MX はもはや Legacy か…。1.0.9631-1 に戻す。