_ [debian] openmsx 0.7.0-1

- most important new features:
  - save state support
ref. /usr/share/doc/openmsx/changelog.Debian.gz


This release contains several exciting new features, clearing some long standing feature requests! The most important one of all is that we have implemented save states! It took us a while to think of a way to implement it without having some disadvantages you could have with some other emulators. : New or improved emulator features:

  • Save states (keyboard short cuts: ALT-F7 or Cmd+R to quick-load and ALT-F8 or Cmd-S to quick-save your state):

ref. Release Notes for openMSX 0.7.0 (2009-01-07)

_ [comp] 続々々々々々・EastAsianAmbiguous キャラクタの幅が UTF-8 で常に 1

#471021 にコメントきてたので返信。まあ大したことは書けないんだけども…。

_ [vdr] highlight.rb 効いてない

いつのころからか tdiary の highlight プラグインが効いてない。 いろいろ調べてみたところ、何故か /usr/share/tdiary/theme/base.css が消滅してたことに気付いた。

% ls -ld /usr/share/tdiary/theme/
drwxr-xr-x 338 root root 8192 2008-06-19 01:40 /usr/share/tdiary/theme/
