_ [debian] mono 2.10.1-4


Dropped all CLI 1.0 library and C# 1.0 compiler packages as Mono 2.10 no longer supports the 1.0 runtime, added new packages for all CLI 4.0 libraries and the C# 4.0 compiler and made C# 4.0 the new default C# compiler. All CLI 2.0 library packages are left for ABI and backwards compatibility.

ref. /usr/share/doc/mono-runtime/changelog.Debian.gz

ということで、libmono-corlib1.0-cil libmono-i18n-west1.0-cil libmono-i18n1.0-cil などが削除された。いつも確認に使ってるアプリの動作に影響はなさそう。