_ [debian] ruby-specinfra 2.79.0-1


The release of buster also means the bullseye release cycle is about to begin. From now on, we will no longer allow binaries uploaded by maintainers to migrate to testing. This means that you will need to do source-only uploads if you want them to reach bullseye.

ref. No binary maintainer uploads for bullseye

とのことで、これまでやってたバイナリアップロード( dput ftp-master XXXXX_amd64.changes )は不可で、ソースオンリーアップロード( dput ftp-master XXXXX_source.changes )をしないといけないようだ。 SourceOnlyUpload を参考に実施。手元の手順がこなれてないからもうちょっと整理しないと。